• The Eros of Language

    The eroticism of language isn’t the language of eroticism, where the latter captures the luster of nudity and the twists of movements. The Eros of words doesn’t describe; it ignites. That’s precisely its essence, creating a lack that only it knows how to satisfy. People flirting instinctively understand this deeper secret: it’s not the spoken…


  • Der Eros der Sprache

    Die Erotik der Sprache ist nicht Sprache der Erotik, wobei letzter den Glanz der Nacktheit und die Windungen der Bewegungen zum Gegenstand hat. Der Eros der Worte hingegen beschreibt nicht; er entfacht.


  • The World After the Subjunctive

    Emerging from hibernation, we roll from our backs to our sides, fingers tangled in a dream. Perhaps we will drift back to sleep, and the grand slumber will continue? Thirty years ago, the West celebrated victory over the East, and historian Francis Fukuyama declared the end of history. I vividly remember how the generation of…
